Homework and Grading

Mrs. Jones and Miss Perkins use the same grading scale and homework policy.  If any changes are necessary for a subject purpose they will let you know.

Grading Scale

    90% - 100%        A
    80 - 89%            B
    70 - 79%            C
    60 - 69%            D
    Below 60%          F    

How to calculate your grade
    Each assignment will be given a point value. These values will be added together and divided by the number of assignments to give you an average. In-class assignments, take-home assignment and participation points will make up eighty percent of your grade. The other twenty percent will be from your exams.

Late Work Policy
    All assignments will be posted for the current and next week. If you are absent on a day something is due, the assignment is due when you return.  All other unexcused late work will be taken up to one week after the assignment's due date with a 20% deduction.

Testing Policy
    Studying for your tests is very important. You need to be prepared for each class and each exam. We understand that some subjects are harder to learn than others. Students who fail a test will be allowed to retake it. So that you do not take advantage of this, there will be a 20% reduction on all retakes. So, the maximum grade you can receive on a retake of a test in an 80%. Therefore, it is in your best interest to study and come to class prepared the first time. Test retakes will be available to be taken before or after school within one week of the original test date. They will NOT be offered during class time, so DO NOT ASK.

Study Tips
    On both classroom sites, you will find studying techniques that should help specifically with that subject along with other studying tips in general.

Also, check out this link for more study tips - the free stuff is the best! 
Click here to learn how to take great notes! 

    Please see the teacher's classroom website for upcoming dates, events, and specific assignments.  Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience.